Drop By My City - Portugalia, Lisabona

ACTIVITIES/TASKS CARRIED OUT The activities that the participant attended (meetings, extracurricular ones, the visits to places with historical and cultural background) built the inter-cultural competence; the participant learnt about the historical and social background, understood elements of culture and civilisation; all attended activities reinforced the european identity, revealed the cultural differences and contributed to civic positive attitudes like tolerance, respect and responsibility and to building European positive values like the sense of belonging to the european democratic space. Part of the attended lessons required use of digital tools and will empower the participant with new tools and resources. The activity consists of DROP BY MY CITY FOR A SUSTAINABLE LIVING presenting eTwinning project results: -Workshop "Experiential Space", Lecture "Inclusion", Zero Waste School Dialogue, Lecture "New Bauhaus Earth", Workshop Creative recycling project(group of 3 students, one Portuguese, one Italian and another Romanian) with waste materials: clothes, technological parts, and plastic bottles. Students will make an artistic installation), Photograph Contest Each (student will insert on Padlet, 5 photos taken by themselves in Lisboa that transmit: Beauty, Sustainability and Inclusion "The New Bauhaus". Whoever has more likes in each category will win the contest).