Projects and mobilities

Look Listen and Feel Around in Europe

Site al proiectului eTwinning Look, Listen and Feel around You in Europe, in cadrul caruia au colaborat 6 tari partenere-Spania, Romania, Serbia, Franta, Grecia, Italia. Acest proiect a vizat mostenirea culturala si de mediu si a reunit materialele realizate in cadrul mobilitatilor intre aceste tari, prin Acreditarea Erasmus+

Mobilitate Algeciras, Spania Martie 2023, Mostenire Culturala- Resursa Educationala

Mobilitate Polonia, Gliwice, Martie 2023,Incluziune,toleranta-si-multiculturalitate

Mobilitate,Franta,Pont Andemer,Februarie 2023, Mostenire culturala,istorica si geografica

Alte mobilitati realizate in cadrul acreditarii Erasmus+ NR. 2022-1-RO01-KA121-SCH-000065727

In cursul anului 2 de Acreditare Erasmus+ s-au realizat mobilitati in colaborare cu scoli din Franta, Spania, Polonia, Grecia, care au completat lista de colaborari si schimburi de experienta cu elevi.

Testimoniale-elevi-Mobilitate Grecia Creta

Mobilitate,Spania,Almendralejo,Aprilie 2023,Robotica

Mobilitate Strasbourg Franta-Parlamentul European-European Youth Event IUNIE 2023

Drop by my city

The project focused on our cities working about inclusion, beauty and sustainability, “The New Bauhaus”, how to make our cities sustainable, inclusive and beautiful!

poza din mobilitata drop by my city Italia

ACTIVITIES/TASKS CARRIED OUT Enroll to the lesson “Erasmus Accreditation” PPT presentation of the week’s activity, “aims and outcomes” WHAT’S “THE NEW BAUHAUS”?

poza din mobilitatea drop by my city Portugalia

ACTIVITIES/TASKS CARRIED OUT The activities that the participant attended (meetings, extracurricular ones, the visits to places with historical and cultural background) ...

poza din gazduirea persoanelor din drop by my city

The participants are 2 teachers and 5 students 15-16 y.o. from Galilei Scientific Secondary school. They attende a Coding course that has been implemented by the school since 2019.

In facts we trust

poza gazduire in facts we trust

The mobility gave the participant the opportunity to develop new relationships, interests and motivation in view of new collaborations and ...

poza mobilitatea din Almendralejo

The students learned how to project the structure of a robot for the 3D printer, to observe how a 3 printer makes the structure of a robot, assembles ...

Other mobilities

poza mobilitatea din Turcia

ACTIVITIES/TASKS CARRIED OUT Get to know each other and ice breaking activities; meeting school’s Erasmus+ team MIL, Human rights& civic

poza mobilitatea din Grecia

Workshops introduction to Moodle and our teaching platform Enroll in the lesson “Erasmus Accreditation” Learning basic Greek with Mr.

Emotions Mapping

Emotions Mapping (EMap) has a separate website that can be accessed here Facebook page managed by the Dobrogean College "Spiru Haret" here, instagram here.